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22-nd Winter Olympic Games and 11-th Paralympic Games in Sochi 2014

Rules and regulations of Activity Days

QSL-managers     Samples of awardsRussian version

In honor of the Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games in Sochi, Russia holds Souyz Radiolyubiteley Rossii (SRR) in November 2013 - March 2014 Activity Days " Winter Olympic Games Sochi 2014". All radio amateurs around the world are invited to participate in this award program.

General rules:

1. Activity period:

since 00:00 UTC November 8, 2013
until : 23.59 UTC March 31 2014

2. Special Event Stations:

2.1. List of Special Event Stations (SES) will be published on the website of SRR not later than 15 December 2013
2.2. Stations R1980M, R1980L will be active from November 8, 2013 to February 7, 2014
2.3. Stations R2014x (x – one letter) will be active from February 1 to March 31, 2014
2.4. Other SES will be active from January 1 to March 31, 2014

3. Award Program

3.1. Diploma "OLYMPIC GAMES SOCHI 2014"

You have to collect last letters of special event stations using calls R2014x ( one letter in the suffix ) series. There will be 12 stations active: R2014(A, C, E, H, I, L, M, N, O, P, S, Y)
You have to spell follow words for different classes:

     Bronze - SOCHI (QSOs with R2014S, R2014O, R2014C, R2014H, R2014I)
A total of 5 stations.

     Silver – OLYMPIC SOCHI (QSOs with R2014O, R2014L, R2014Y, ..., R2014I)
Calls R2014I, R2014O, R2014S may be used twice. A total of 9 stations.

     Gold – OLYMPIC GAMES SOCHI (QSOs with R2014O, R2014L, R2014Y, ..., R2014H, R2014I).
Calls R2014C, R2014I, R2014M, R2014O, R2014S may be used twice. A total of 12 stations.

Special stations R1980M ( Moscow ), R1980L ( St. Petersburg – ex Leningrad ), R7378TM, R7975TM, R7979TM may be used to substitute any two missing letters . For example, in "Olympic Games Sochi» R1980M may substitute letter O (twice) , and R7378TM the letter C (twice).

Award manager is Aliy Kuysokov, UA6YW (ua6yw@yandex.ru)
QSL-manager for all R2014x stations is Vasily Samay, R7AA (r7aa@mail.ru)


You have to contact with special event stations using R22xxx and R11xxx ( three letters in the suffix ) series.
Each combination of three letters suffix is devoted to the Winter Olympic or Paralympic sport discipline.
R22xxx - winter Olympic sport’s disciplines,
R11xxx - winter Paralympic sport’s disciplines. Total of 21 stations.

R11ALSAlpine Skiing
R22ALSAlpine Skiing
R11BIAParalympic Biatlon
R11CRCParalympic Cross Country Skiing
R22CRCCross Country
R22FISFigure Skasting
R22ICHIce Hockey
R11ISHIce Sledge Hockey
R22NOCNordic Combined
R22SKJJumping Ski
R22SPSSpeed Skating
R22STRShort Track
R11WCUWheelchair Curling

There are three classes:

     «Bronze» - for contacts with the special call sign , 9 sport’s disciplines;

     «Silver» - for contacts with the special call sign, 14 sport’s disciplines;

     «Gold» - for connection with the special callsign devoted 18 sport’s disciplines.

Special stations R1980M ( Moscow ), R1980L ( St. Petersburg ), R7378TM, R7975TM, R7979TM may substitute any two missing sport’s disciplines.
For example , R1980M may substitute R22ICH, and R1980L may substitute R22SKE.

Award manager is Aliy Kuysokov, UA6YW (ua6yw@yandex.ru).


You have to collect at least 500 points for contacts with special stations operating in the period of activity mentioned above.
QSOs with any Russian radio stations that use temporary special callsign (including non-system , that is not covered by these Regulations ), and whose work is dedicated to the Olympic Games in Sochi ( prefix may use the numbers 2014 , 22 , 11 , 0000) , and torch-bearers R7378TM, R7975TM, R7979TM).
The same station counts on different bands and different modes on the same band.

Point system:
QSO with any radio station R2014x, R22xxx, R11xxx, Rx22xx, Rx11xx
(where x - the letter), as well as any non-system radio stations using
numbers 2014, 22, 11, 0000
- 1 point
QSO with radio stations of Sochi - RC22xx, RO22xx, R2014S (where x - letter)
- 4 points
QSO with radio stations R1980M, R1980L, R7378TM, R7975TM, R7979TM
- 4 points

Multiplication factor : ( total points x …= …):
Russia, Europe - 1
Asia and Africa - 2
North America - 3
South America , Australia and Oceania - 4

Applicants who collects 1000 , 1500 and 2014 points - will be awarded with special diplomas

Award manager is Valentin Lukashov, RK6AX (rk6ax@mail.ru)

3.4. General conditions for all diplomas

     - All amateur bands ( 160m , 80m, 40m, 30m, 20m, 17m, 15m, 12m, 10m , 2m, 70cm, 23cm ). Any mode (Phone, CW, Digital);

     - All awards are free of charge and will be sent to applicants in electronic form;

     - An application form on any award can be found on special WEB-site: ok2014.ru and there, in the case of confirmation of the claimed points, you can immediately get a degree in electronic form;
*Attention! All applications are accepted only on this site. Please, don’t send any claims to award managers. Only QSOs confirmed in Log-online database are qualified on awards. Award application will be accepted only if applicant collect necessitive number of points (letters) confirmed by database.

     - If applicant would like to get paper certificate, he has to send e-mail request to:
or by mail to:
Valentin Lukashov, RK6AX
P.O.Box 77
RUSSIA 354200

  Написать письмо в СРР